If two individuals walk into a car insurance company, one being a woman and the other a man, looking to purchase some cheap insurance, chances are the woman will walk out with a cheaper quote as compared to the man. There are a multitude of reasons for this. Statistics actually show that lady drivers tend to be safer drivers and therefore are less risk to insure than men.
Ladies benefit more from car insurance companies as they are considered as much less risky drivers. Though we have to be clear on one thing, statistics show that lady drivers do get into as much accidents as men do. However, the amount of damage done to the car is much less therefore cheaper to repair.
Women as statistics show, drive fewer miles than men and thus the chance of getting into an accident is less likely. This kind of advantage is worth mentioning when looking and haggling for premiums, giving a woman an advantage in most cases. Also with them driving fewer miles, in most cases, their car is in better condition as opposed to those driven by drag racers and reckless drivers.
Before, ladies were considered a higher risk than men. It was assumed than men are better drivers and get into car accidents less. Until recent statistics popped up and disproved this theory. Yes there maybe more lady drivers involved in accidents, but these are just minor and seldom result into a total wreck. Minor scratches here and there, little bumps, and some don't even involve another car but rather immobile objects like posts and walls. Men however, being more risky drivers often induce their car to more damage.
If you want to know more about Car Insurance for Ladies and its benefits, check out:
Car Insurance Ladies [http://www.carinsuranceladies.com].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Enrico_Medina/338360
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2414107
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